Profile of the organization

Mutino friend’s rural livelihood support programme is a nongovernmental organization registered by the government of Kenya to operate in Igambang’ombe sub-county in Tharakanithi County. Our area of operation is an arid region with little social economic activities due to its aridity and lack of resources.

The organization was registered to address the high levels of poverty, illiteracy and human diseases in this area through the following programmes:

  • Mobilize the community t o participate in the development projects through volunteering labour and conribution of local materials whenever they are needed.
  • Mobilize the community to support education of their children through campaigns against child labour, early marriages, female genital mutilation and early pregnancy.
  • Mobilize the community to support agricultural activities by use of modern land tillage and growing of traditional food crops which are drought resistant.
  • Mobilize the community to access medical services through support to local dispensaries and maternal child care including proper nutrition for the young ones and intensive campaign against HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Mobilize the community to contribute to the formation of micro financing activities among the youth and widows.
  •   Mobilize the community to conserve their environment through soil conservation, proper land use and planting of trees in the sub-county.

After ten years of donor support, mobilization, collaboration, advocacy and fund raising among our friends, the organization has achieved the following:

  • Construction of 70 permanent class rooms in our 14 primary schools.
  • We have managed to retain poor and needy children in primary schools though provision of school uniforms, paying of school levies and providing over 4000 school children with lunches.
  • Building of two dispensaries in the sub county which are now run by county government.
  • Support to over 500 needy secondary school and polytechnic students with fees.
  • Support to over 100 school leavers with soft loans to start businesses.
  • Our micro financing to widows, youth and orphans has become very popular and people have benefitted a lot from our soft loans.
  • Establishment of children rescue centre where under weight and malnourished children get food ration every fortnightly.


  Our core values are fear of God, good morals, trustworthiness, transparency, accountability and compassion.


 2015 Mutino Friends